Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Sofia and Bun-Bun

Sofia and Bun-Bun, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Happy Sofia

Happy Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

This is fun!

This is fun!, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Feeding myself with a spoon.

Friday, 14 November 2008

Bundling Sofia for the Danish weather!

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Tracey, Tom, Sofia, Grace, Hannah and Corrina

Mini birthday party with James, Corrina, Hannah, Grace, Robert and baby Mia

Happy Bday

Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Looking out the window

Looking out the window, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia and Daddy in Karpacz, Poland

DSC_1725, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Very happy baby playing on the sofa with daddy

Sofia in her pink hat

Sofia in her pink hat, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Reading a book

Reading a book, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Miss Sofia reading a book the other day. She loves her books.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Standing on my own

Standing on my own, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Smiling Sofia

Smiling Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Nursery and Sofia update.

Sofia started two half-days at nursery this week. Wednesday morning I dropped her off for 9:15-12:30. She did really well that day, shedding a few tears, but not inconsolable. She looked really sad and tired when I picked her up. She seemed really happy to see me. Today Tom and I dropped her off at 7:45. Tom went with us to have a look around the nursery and to meet the staff so they know who he is when he needs to drop/pick up Sofia. She made a handprint picture with blue paint and sparkles (and has it under her nails to prove it was her!).

Wednesday I had a cup of tea and did some reading and then felt a little lonely. I went next door and took their two kids, Hannah and Robert, to the duck pond and to the park. James and Corrina are in the process of moving and they had a one-year old and a 12-year old in their hair "helping". Today I managed to sweep and mop the kitchen floor, clean the laundry room, tidy up Sofia's room, shower, and do a couple of loads of laundry before picking her up again.

Before nursery Wednesday morning I brought Sofia over to get weighed. She is now 18 Pounds, 11.5 ounces. That is another increase of 1pound 6 ounces in five weeks and is now up around the 35th percentile. She can still wear most of her 6-9 month stuff but now wears 12 month pajamas because the arms are too short on the smaller ones. 9-12 month trousers and leggings don't fit yet because she is too skinny. Wish I had that problem !

What has Sofia been up to?

Pulling herself up on everything. She especially loves playing in the clothes basket. She still does her military crawling across the carpet. She will occasionally get herself back into a sitting position from lying down and will sometimes get on her hands and knees and sort of go backwards. She is getting pretty good at going up stairs, too. For the most part she is adjusted to time here again, but for the past three nights she has been getting up around 2:30-3am and crying and crying. I am also having a hard time getting her to go to sleep. Lots of tears most of the time. Could be her teeth? She has a tooth popping through the bottom now. It is taking its sweet time coming through, but it is there and it hurts when she wants to chew your finger. She is doing much more self-feeding. She loves shredded cheese, bits of chicken, baby biscotti, bananas, pretty much anything I give her.

I have a few new photos that I will put on Flickr. Right now.

Friday, 11 July 2008

This is it, chaos begins!

This is it, chaos begins!
Originally uploaded by trayflow

Short video of Miss Sofia

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Trying to stand on her own

Trying to stand on her own, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia has been really trying to pull herself up on to things in the past few days. She is often successful. Still no crawling, but so close!

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Cheerio in hand, biscuit on face

Cheerio in hand, biscuit on face, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Learning to eat biscuits and cheerios!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Sweet Sofia

Sofia likes to sit on the bed and watch me dry my hair in the morning. She laughs and squeals and I blow cool air on her head for her, too. The hair in her swirl is getting quite long but I just keep pushing it to the side.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Daddy and Sofia

Daddy and Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Henriksen Family

Henriksen Family, originally uploaded by trayflow.

It is really hard to get a baby to look at the camera when Mommy and Daddy are next to you and not behind the camera!

Sleeping in the middle seat on our trip to Charlotte

Sleeping in the middle seat, originally uploaded by trayflow.

The three of us flew to Charlotte, NC to visit Tom's parents. After a five-hour delay on departure from Manchester to Atlanta we finally got to Charlotte about midnight. After two days Sofia was pretty well adjusted. We had a really nice visit. I know Tom's parents can't come to see us in England so I want to be able to take Sofia as often as possible. This photo explains how the long flights went, she was such an angel, and luckily we got an extra third seat on both flights. We were so proud of her!! It only took her a couple of days to adjust on return, too. In fact, she is sleeping until 7:20 every morning rather than 5am so the US visit has improved things for me!!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Photo Shoot

Photo Shoot, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia at Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Pretty girl

Pretty girl, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Isn't she a doll in her bathrobe? This was given to us by one of Tom's co-workers.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Big Smile

Big Smile, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia standing

Sofia standing, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Six months old

Oh, you have the camera again!, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Today Sofia is 6 months old!

Friday, 18 April 2008

Origami stars

Origami stars, originally uploaded by trayflow.

I made some origami stars to go over Sofia's changing table. Aren't they pretty?

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Jam Session

Daddy feeding S rice

Daddy feeding S rice, originally uploaded by trayflow.

We have decided to start giving Sofia some rice cereal. She loves it! She gets really excited and tries to put the spoon in her mouth. She smiles and laughs and opens her mouth for food. Yesterday I made her two bowls 2 hours apart. I am using 1 tablespoon milk (formula or breast milk when I can get some out) to one teaspoon rice. Tom fed her last night so they can have some bonding time and she had such a good time.

Holiday Plans

I was trying to upload a video of Sofia but the last few we have taken don't seem to be working properly. The video and the sound don't line up so it looks really funny when trying to watch it. I will have to try again later to see what is wrong. She is doing an awful lot of squeaking and jabbering these days!

We have returned from the US and Portugal and have been trying to get ourselves a little bit settled. I think I finally have all of the laundry done and everything put away...and we are leaving Friday for France. So, I have been busy trying to get everything sorted for our trip. I have loads to do! US Taxes are complete and sent to Ernst and Young (always a horrible thing to have to do, taxes) so now I just need to pack.

Friday evening we will take the ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge, Belgium. Our plan is to stay in the Dordogne region. It will take two days to get down there so we will stop near Orléans the first night and then Puy de Dome volcanic region the second night. From there we stay five nights in a gite not far from Bergerac in a town called St. Germain du Salembre near Neuvic. On the way back to the ferry we have two nights again but don't really know where we are going to stay yet. There are so many things to see and do around where we are staying so I hope the weather cooperates so we can be out and about every day!

This will be Sofia's first ferry trip and road trip. Tom and I are hoping we are ok with seasickness! It will be a long night if we are sick.

We should have internet access while we are in France so we will try to get some photos online while we are there.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Little Girl with a Curl

When I was in the US people kept quoting the first verse of this poem to me and I had never heard it before. I looked online and found three verses by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The first verse is commonly incorrect as it is here. It should read:

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

I kept this one below intact because I found it this way. Sadly, she is losing her little curl/swirl in the middle of her forehead. I guess she doesn't want to grow up with a curl right there.

There was a little girl
And she had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead,
When she was good,
She was very, very good,
And when she was bad she was horrid.

She went up-stairs,
And he parents unawares,
Was a-looking out of the window;
She stood on her head,
In her little trundle-bed,
And nobody near to hinder.

Her mother heard the noise,
And she thought it was the boys,
A playing in the empty attic;
But she ran up-stairs,
And caught her unawares,
And spanked her most emphatic
I also found this version for the second and third verse:
She screamed and she squalled
and she yelled and she bawled
And she drummed her little heels against the window.

Her Mother heard the noise
and thought it was the boys,
Playing in the empty attic....
So she went upstairs
and caught her unaware,
and spanked her most emphatic!

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Sweet baby

Sweet baby, originally uploaded by trayflow.

This weekend it was 31 outside (and that is a heat wave around here right now)! Sofia was able to wear her jeans and loaned things such as the hat from Margie and little jacket from Erin.

Sofia is all ready to go in her car seat. Let's go guys!!

Monday, 18 February 2008

My Favourite Baby Picture

My Favourite Baby Picture, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Am I cute or what?

Sunday, 17 February 2008


Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

I am having a good time on my holiday in America. I have been meeting so many new friends and family. I will have more photos and things to share when I get home.

Here is a picture of me sitting up like a big girl!!

Saturday, 26 January 2008

Sofia and Mommy

Sofia and Mommy, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Trying to calm Sofia. Turns out she just needed a little nap with Mommy. We went to Hemswell Antiques today and she napped in the car. I carried her around in the Baby Björn while we were browsing. Tom and I didn't find anything worth buying today.

Baby feet

Baby feet, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Mommy's girl

Mommy's girl, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Mmmm, hands!

Mmmm, hands!, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia is three months old today!

Isn't she cute in her little jeans, pink sweater and pink shoes?

Monday, 21 January 2008

Daddy with sleepy Sofia

Daddy with sleepy Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia didn't have a proper nap today. We drove down to Goole to drop off some documents for Tom to send off and I expected her to sleep in the car on the way home but instead she just looked around. When we came home she ate and then took a late afternoon nap. She was down for the count. I couldn't let her go without a bath again tonight so we had to just give her some time to wake up. Last night she was so tired and cranky that I didn't give her one like I should have.

Tom went to bed, I fed and bathed Sofia. Bathtime went well tonight. Sofia didn't cry while getting her ready to get in the bath which doesn't happen often. She smiled quite a bit in the tub, too. I did upset her when I washed her hair with cradle cap shampoo because I had to lift her out to rinse off her head. I put her back in to calm down again before getting her out to dress her. Everything went well until I had to put her onesie over her head then she lost it. I finished dressing her and then combed her hair. We sat in the rocking chair and I wrapped her up and within 5 minutes she was off to sleep for the night!

An hour later I am still up...so off I go now for bedtime.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Ever so pretty in my Next dress

Ever so pretty in my Next dress, originally uploaded by trayflow.

This pretty dress was a gift from Wendy and Rebecca. We visited Pauline today and she wore her pretty dress.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

12 Weeks Today

12 Weeks Today, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia is 12 Weeks old today. Here she is in a cute little outfit that Ian and Christine Byers gave her. (I used to work with Ian.)

Monday, 14 January 2008

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Sofia has quickly grown from her newborn clothes right through her 0-3 clothes. Today I put a 3-6 month sleeper on because the one she was wearing was a bit tight. The arms are just a bit long and the legs just a hair long, but it fits better than I imagined it would. I think over the next week or two we will have to break out all of the 3-6 month clothes, right on time for when she turns three months.

She continues to find her hands. She is nearly constantly opening and closing them as well as feeling one hand with the other. She is also starting to grab things, not just bat at them.

The past couple of weeks she was back to anywhere from 2-4 hours at night after she teased me with 5 and 6 hour stretches of sleep. Things are starting to turn around again. I have had a couple of 4 and 5 hour stretches between feeds at night. Of course, I came down with some sort of sickness this weekend that gave me a sore throat and runny nose. It is extra hard to wake up when you are sick!

We are all anticipating our trip to the US in a couple of weeks. It will be Sofia's first airplane trip and our first as parents. Let's hope she takes to this flying business! We will be visiting Tom's parents in Charlotte, Jason and Kari in Minneapolis, Erin/Jim/Scott/Nicole/Others in Kansas City and then to Grand Forks to see the Laumbs and my family. Tom will fly home from Grand Forks and I will stay for a couple of extra weeks before heading home. On our way home we will stop in Minneapolis to stay with Faith for the weekend which allows us to fly directly to Amsterdam and then Humberside without having to do the Grand Forks flight that day, too.

Hope you are all having a great new year. I am off now, Sofia is falling back asleep and I need some rest to get over and fight this sickness before it gets any worse.

Sofia this morning:

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Tummy Time with Sofia

Sofia licking and sucking on her hand

Sofia is really finding her hands now. She likes to chew on her fist and her fingers but not yet suck her thumb. She is also starting to lick things: my arm, any fabric like blankets and burp cloths, etc. I took a short video of her...

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Snowy Back Garden

DSC_8080, originally uploaded by trayflow.

It has been snowing for ages, I need to go take another shot to see what has accumulated. yay for snow!!

First Snow of the Season

DSC_8075, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Looking out of our bedroom window across the street.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Sofia Update

Happy New Year!

Tom, Sofia and I had a quiet Christmas this year. Since Sofia is completely oblivious to Christmas celebrations we decided not to do a Christmas tree or anything else this year. She really enjoyed staring at James and Corrina's Christmas tree next door so I think she will like to have one next year.

The three of us spent New Year's Eve next door with James, Corrina and Hannah. All of us managed to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year (well, Sofia was dozing off, but the rest of us made it). We had wine and snacks and then topped it off with a glass of champagne before going home.

Sofia had her first immunizations this morning. Tom took the day off of work today so we all went together. She did really well with the shots she got, one in each thigh. She screamed each time she was poked, but quickly went back to sleep when it was all over. She probably did better than most adults! She has been sleeping most of the day today. We decided to go to the Outlet Mall shopping which was a big mistake because it is discount shopping time and there were hoardes of people there. When we got home Sofia needed to eat since she hadn't eaten much at all today. I think she was having tummy troubles since she hadn't pooed since Monday morning. Thankfully she finally went after she got done eating and I was doubly thankful that she didn't go in her carseat because it would have been a mess. While she was eating she was whimpering and moaning so I gave her baby Paracetamol and she is now sound asleep on my chest. Poor thing! I hope she is feeling better and sleeps ok tonight.

Sorry, I forgot to take photos of her immunizations. I had the camera with us, too!