Friday, 28 December 2007

Sofia with her Rubber Ducky

DSC_8070, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Rebecca gave Sofia a family of rubber duckies for Christmas... here is the little one's maiden voyage.

December 28th


Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Christmas Self Portrait

Christmas Self Portrait, originally uploaded by trayflow.

What should I do to my hair? It is time for a change again. I am getting dark brown highlights(?) as I am still growing out years of light highlights

Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Many faces of Sofia

Many faces of Sofia, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia can be a really smiley baby. This is half a smile. It is really hard to catch her on camera smiling. I love all of the different faces she does...

See our photos on Flickr for more:

Daddy and Sofia on Christmas

Daddy and Sofia on Christmas, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sofia has been on a bit of a schedule change the past couple of days. She hasn't been sleeping well, her pooing has changed from every nappy to only about twice a day but with some tummy trouble and she has been eating a lot. I think this morning she finally got wiped out enough to sleep. We bathed her this morning before going out for a few hours this afternoon. Right after her bath she fell fast asleep in my arms. I transferred her to Tom so I could shower and she slept quite a few hours into the afternoon while we were in the car.

Sofia and Elmo in the bouncer

Sofia and Elmo in the bouncer, originally uploaded by trayflow.

This post is for Auntie Shelley.

I washed Elmo in a mesh bag yesterday and he smells nice now. I need to get all of the lint off of him now. I gave him to Sofia today and for the most part she ignored him, but I did see her rubbing her fingers on his eyes a few times.

Daddy and Sofia.

Daddy and Sofia., originally uploaded by trayflow.

Sunday night we had our neighbours come over for a Christmas drink, some snacks and just to chat. They brought their daughter, Hannah, and his son, Robert, along with them. They stayed for a couple of hours. About a week ago they gave Sofia this pretty dress for Christmas so it was only fitting that she would wear it when they visited. Doesn't she look just adorable?

Friday, 14 December 2007

I am cold, please hurry

I am cold, please hurry, originally uploaded by trayflow.

Test from Flickr to Blogger


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Bathtime with Sofia

I have been spending some time with our neighbours James and Corrina. They have an eight month old daughter. When I visited the other day they offered to let us use their Tummy Tub. Why Not? I used it twice before tonight and she gave it mixed reviews. This time I asked Tom to take a couple of photos while I was bathing her. Here are the results:

Oh No, what am I in for?

Mommy, your hands are cold!

This isn't so bad except for the soap on my nose.

Look at my little feet, aren't they cute? I am holding Mommy's hand so I don't fall in.

This Tummy Tub is pretty cool. I think I will wait to scream my head off this time until I get out of the bath!

Wednesday with Sofia

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Tuesday Update

Sofia is still struggling to sleep any great amount of time at night while she can sleep like a champ during the day. Last night was no exception. We actually had to be up and at the doctor's surgery by 9:30 this morning. I set my alarm for 8am and Sofia woke me up to eat at 7:55, how's that for timing?

We spent about half an hour with our doctor, Bridget Wilkinson, and Sofia got a clean bill of health. She had to be stripped down to nothing and she was quite accepting of this only crying a little bit. We are back home and I am hoping to get a nap later today. Since the sun is shining I think we will go out for a walk in a little while and I will do my napping once the sun goes down this afternoon.

I bought Sofia a strand of Christmas lights yesterday at ASDA. We were visiting the neighbour's house the other day and she stared intently at them so I figured she might like some at home. And she does like them. Once strand of 100 cost me 8 Pounds so she better like them. I bought myself a new brown cardigan. I also stopped at Sainsbury's yesterday to do the grocery shopping. Our new grocery store, Tesco, just doesn't have a great selection. Much of the clothing at Sainsbury's was being cleared out and I managed to score a few deals for Sofia. I got three little outfits for 2 Pounds a piece. I got a cute Pooh dress and onesie for 5 Pounds. I got her a new towel set for 4 Pounds since the one I got with Terry in Charlotte this summer is starting to tear already. I picked up a few more miscellaneous things that are for her when she gets bigger. I also got myself two cardigan sweaters, one green and one black, that were on sale. I don't fit into so many of my old clothes plus I need breastfeeding accessible clothes for the winter.

Tom is off to Manchester for two nights so Sofia and I are on our own Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Friday Sofia and I have Christmas lunch to attend with workmates in Beverley. We are going to a nice pub in a little village called Lund. It should be fun.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Random Photos

I like my Mommy:


Watching the flashing lights on the bug:

Fairy Princess dress (tights had to go earlier):

Friday, 7 December 2007

Friday with Sofia

Hi Auntie Shelley. Don't I look cute? It almost fits me now. The top makes me look like a football player and the pants have to be pulled way up, but I am cute in it!

Here I am playing in my new play gym mommy bought for me today. I don't quite know what to do when I am in there so I just sort of look around and then cry. Sometimes I accidentally hit something and it sort of scares me. Where does that noise come from?

I am trying really hard to look in the mirror mommy is holding up for me. It takes a lot of concentration.

Who is that baby in the mirror?

Thank You, Grandma. The box you sent came the other day. I like my new bunny blanket and bunny you sent. Elmo smells so he has to go in the wash before I can have him.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

6 Weeks Today

The Health Visitor weighed Sofia this morning and she weighed in at a whopping 9lb 13 oz! That is two pounds in 3 weeks.

Sofia went to sleep at 12 last night (typical time) and slept until 3:30. Wow, three and a half hours. We were up from 3:30 to 5:30 because she kept spitting up everything she ate. I think she finally gave up and went to sleep. At 7:10 she was awake and ready to eat again which worked out ok for time since we dropped tom off at the airport this morning. I managed to get her to nap with me for about an hour before I got up to get ready for the health visitor. I think I will be napping this afternoon!

Sofia's First Tears

Last night Tom changed Sofia's nappy which upset her greatly, as per normal. He brought her back to me so she could eat before trying to get her to sleep for the night. I added to her woes when I gave her some Infacol (Simeticone for wind) which makes her yell very strangely because she won't close her mouth or swallow. When trying to calm her yelling I realised that she had actual tears. Poor thing! This was the first time we have ever seen actual tears! I had to make note of this.

I have been successful in the past couple of days in making her smile. If I stick out my tongue and give her a great big raspberry and a big smile and laugh her eyes will get really big and she will give me a great big smile. It would melt your heart! I will have to attempt a video of this.

Tom is off to The Netherlands on Thursday. Sofia and I are taking him to the airport in the morning so we can use his car while he is gone. We will pick him up on Saturday morning.

Sofia's Health Visitor comes for a visit at lunchtime on Thursday to weigh her. They do this at home so the doctor doesn't have to do it next week when we go in for our 6-7 week check at the office. She has to be over 9 pounds!

Monday, 3 December 2007

Yay for Flickr!

I emailed Yahoo to try to sort out my Flickr account since I haven't been able to log in for a few days. They were less than helpful. Yesterday I emailed Flickr and pleaded my case. Today I received an email sorting out the Flickr account. There shouldn't be any more issues. I can get back to labelling and posting again. yay

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Tummy Time and Taking a Break

I try to give Sofia some tummy time every day. She is really strong and holds her head up amazingly well for being just over five weeks old. Her head used to slump when in her carrier and in her car seat and that rarely happens anymore. She loves her paci/dummy and I don't know what we would do without them! She is doing so much more exploring with her eyes and hands now. She spends much more time looking around and listening rather than just sleeping. She is growing so fast! Many of her newborn outfits don't fit anymore, but her 0-3 clothes are still too big. I call her Mrs. Long Legs.

Saturday, 1 December 2007